Monday, April 11, 2005

Oh... but I'm nice, too!

It seems I've offended people I didn't mean to offend. I'm sorry.

I should post some kind of disclaimer: I don't have to agree with you to like you! The blogosphere would be far less interesting if we all thought the same thing -- and if everyone thought exactly what I think now, I'd never have to stop and reconsider and figure out where I'm wrong...

If I post about you, it's because I like and respect you and your ideas enough to write up a post about them. If you're listed on my sidebar, it's because I like and respect you and your ideas enough that I want to read them on a pseudo-daily basis. I like you!

(The converse, of course, isn't true. If I haven't acknowledged your existence, it's practically certain to be because I'm a graduate student, and even my procrastination has its limits...)


  1. No, no, not offended ... not even surprised to have people not agree with me from some sources ... just poking you ... :-)

  2. Oh. Just overreacting. :)

    *searches for temporarily lost sense of humor*

  3. Nice to see that I'm not the only one who does that ...
