Monday, April 11, 2005

A followup

From the comments:

G Zombie said...

I annoy you? How?

A perfectly reasonable question. And, now that I think about it, I think I overstated. He's periodically annoying, but certainly not "mostly annoy[ing]". This is a good thing, really; if I'm not periodically annoyed, I never have to consider my own opinions all that seriously, and I never find out that some of them don't hold water.

As for the "how," well, that's a harder question than I expected it to be. I think mainly it was an overreaction, to go with my overstatement. I can't reconstruct the blog trail that led me to thanks for not being a zombie, but it was a little heavy on the "I'm liberal, you're stupid" viewpoint, and some of the posts on [non]zombie's front page looked like more of the same. I'm sort of allergic to this point of view right now, because several people in my department are firmly and loudly on the "men are pigs, Dubya is Satan" end of the spectrum. But I agree with more of that front page than I thought I did. I recoil from conservative-bashing, but I was (for example) horrified at Nebraskans when they voted to ban same-sex marriage a few years back. It was already illegal in Nebraska. Even if I agreed with them, it would still seem stupidly, unnecessarily mean.

(Edit, 8:20 AM: Jill/Txt posts on another scary proposal in the Midwest. It's not that we're not dumb out there; I'd just argue that we're by no means the only dumb ones, or dumb in the only possible way, or even dumb in a consistent way.)

So, although I don't retract yesterday's post, I do apologize for not thinking a little harder about what I meant. And I thank you for being thought-provoking without picking a big fight! I look forward to reading more of your blog in the future.

Then Father gave a little chuckle. "Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please!"

--Lois Lowry, The Giver

And of course I like Nebraska better. It's home, not anything objective. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think that's the same way I felt when I saw your comment about Happy Catholic "I don't always agree with her but she always makes me think."

    *shock* But I am soooooo agreeable! :-0
