Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Keys and Z's

Very early to bed tonight; tomorrow is some kind of recruiting event, so they're subtracting 250 spots (!) from the not-so-very-large lot where I park -- the only lot on campus with more than a couple of dozen spaces to begin with -- and I don't want to deal with satellite parking on an exam morning. So I'm getting up in the wee hours instead, which means I should go to bed, like, now.

Just got home a bit less than an hour ago -- I was throwing stuff in the car to go home, and reflexively locked the door before I shut it with my keys inside. Oh well, I was due for it -- I think this may be the first time I've done this in the 5 or so years I've had this car. Thank goodness for AAA (and boyfriends who remember that I have a AAA card...)

When the AAA truck showed up, after an hour and a half, to pick my lock, a campus security trucklet stopped to see why the truck was parked in the no-parking road. The AAA guy explained that I was locked out of my car, and the campus security guy said, "Oh, we do unlocks." Oh. Well, five years from now when I do this again (knock on wood) I may very well still be on campus to take advantage of that little service. Actually, I got to take advantage of it today -- there was sort of an unlocking race between AAA and campus security on opposite sides of my car. Campus security won. Oh, and they're thirty seconds from both my office and my car.

Lesson(s) learned.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Dueling lock picking. How... chivalrous.

    How'd the exam go?
