Saturday, April 16, 2005

My kingdom for a horse...

So, the stable where I ride has had an outbreak of a mysterious disease (nobody seems to be quite sure what it is, even after weeks of testing). They lost three horses, and others have gotten sick but responded to treatment. They're hoping that, if they're lucky, they can be open again by the end of the month. For now, the whole stable is quarantined; even owners who board their horses there have to make special appointments to visit. Some, and maybe all, of the horses have gotten outside for a little exercise, but mostly their exercise has come from people leading them up and down the barn aisles to keep them from getting colic. Even before the state veteranarians placed the quarantine, the stable owners were putting "biosecurity" precautions into place.

I miss my riding lessons, and I feel sorry for the friends I've made in the few months I've been riding at this stable. This must be financially and emotionally devastating for them.

Times are tough in this corner of the blogosphere this week. There are plenty of all-human families who could use good wishes.

Still, if you have some to spare, send good wishes to my friends and their horses -- I'm sure they'd appreciate it.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sure this is a devastating time for everyone involved with the stable. So sorry to hear about their troubles and the losses of their horses who I'm sure they mourn.
