Genghis Khan responds...
"Your offering of twelve Yak carcasses shows me honor and respect, and for that I have chosen to spare you. You are officially a Mongol from this day forward!"
What your date might be like...
Despite his fearsome and well-deserved reputation as a ruthless military genius, Khan can be quite charming. The two of you can discuss art and the role of writers in advanced society, and then you can go out for a coffee and make plans to invade China. If you want something more romantic, you might take him to see a movie of "Robin Hood," although Khan might find it annoying that Robin Hood doesn't massacre everyone in the party he's robbing. If you want a lasting relationship with Khan, be prepared to travel a lot, usually on horseback.
My runners-up were Vincent Van Gogh and James Baldwin.
You can find your dead celebrity soulmate here.
Link via Happy Catholic.
You know, if I had to pick one of my friends as "least likely to depopulate Central Asia," it'd have probably been you. Oh well.