Thursday, March 24, 2005

A Secondary Emotion

This caught my eye in a comment by The Wiz at FMH:

Anger is usually a 'secondary' emotion, a manifestation of a different emotion, often fear. When you feel angry, it's a good idea to ask yourself what you're "really" feeling.

I'm bringing it back here as a reminder to myself. I get frustrated and angry too easily, and I'm trying to find that space, that pause button, between stimulus and response. Maybe this will help.

(Edit: I also like Janey's comment on the same post: "Thanks goodness God gives us enough time to grow up.")


  1. I'm usually feeling a strong desire to blast lightning bolts out of my fingertips and show my computer the true meaning of the Dark Side. Anger is a poor substitute.

    P.S. Would you believe that Adam, England, and horses at was what finally did it? I wasted a lot of time doing searches by name and on math.

  2. Yeah, I would definitely go with your true emotion there. Anger is way boring in comparison.
