Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A Photogenic Life

If only I'd had a camera on my drive home today... I saw a pair of dogs the size of horses, and a real horse -- a shaggy pony, anyway -- pulling a cart with two men in it on Charles Street.

Also the dear darling anti-abortion demonstrators are back. People, I'm Catholic, and I still don't see how it helps your cause any to put up pictures of bloody aborted babies.

Eight feet high.

On busy public streets.

For everyone's little children to see and have nightmares.

I just don't get it. I know the arguments, but I just don't get it.

On a happier note, Emily's pictures from England are up. I thought computer geeks were supposed to be an ugly bunch, but my groups of friends seem to contradict this principle. My Nebraska geek-friends and my Maryland geek-friends and the old and new geek-friends I went to England with all seem to be of average, and often above-average, attractiveness. Of course, we all take our share of dorky grimacing pictures, but when we're smiling, we're pretty people. Are my perceptions warped because I like these people? Or are we just an anomalous sample?

Of course, we're not as photogenic as this:

Or this:

But then, who is?

1 comment:

  1. You know, if there are dogs the size of horses, and if you were time travelled into the past, you could breed them for cavalry. That would give you an edge over horse cavalry, since your mounts would have *fangs*, and be possessed of an aggressive instinct. Plus, you can feed them the dead bodies of your enemies ...
