Friday, March 25, 2005

Grey day

Not sure what to write about today. I've hardly done any math since Wednesday, and I tend to feel guilty about doing brain-intensive stuff that's not math when I have math to do, so I can feel my brain beginning to atrophy. I spent most (or at least too much) of the day yesterday thinking about clothes -- what to pack to go home, whether I should get rid of this or that. Then I was in the airport for hours. I saw Adam, which was wonderful and wonderful, and I read quite a lot of The Fellowship of the Ring, so overall it was good; but it was very late at night before I got home, and travel always gives me that surreal outside-the-flow-of-time feeling, which doesn't make homework seem exactly urgent. Today I spent the morning shopping with my mom for Easter dinner, and so far this afternoon I've mostly been web surfing. I want to do my stats homework by hand, but I'm going to be gone Monday, so I suppose I have to type it. I'd better go work on that, before my brain really does starve to death.

Oh, to be less easily distracted!

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