Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Malcontented musings

I just noticed that the last two postings are both double-M phrases. That's an accident.

Today it's sunny and gorgeous and I really can't bear to be inside staring at a computer screen (or grading or doing statistics). The problem is that it's awfully cold out there. I tried to go for a walk earlier and ended up burying myself in the stacks at the library. No fresh air or sunshine there either, of course, and I was flagrantly unproductive to boot.

I don't know what's going on with me this week. I've been whining at AC-S about his trip to Australia, and I'm having a terrible time getting myself to do any work. My statistics exam this morning went pretty well, I think (modulo whatever stupid arithmetic errors I made), and I finished the last graph theory problem just in time to hand in the assignment; but I meant to get ahead last weekend when I had some extra time. I've got double grading this week, because a professor I grade for lost last week's assignments and asked the students to hand in new copies this week. CEP is also going to Australia and points east, for rather longer than AC-S, and since I theoretically have a *class* with him, things are going to get interesting; even now that I'm registered for credit for my CEP research, I'm having a hard time remembering that it's also Something I Have to Do.


OK, I'm going to do some statistics homework. It's got to be better than grading.

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