Monday, August 22, 2005

The world, she is a cruel place...

So, I very responsibly didn't bother Boyfriend at work (and, for that matter, *from* work) about what a gyp the "Commuter Plan" on my EZ-Pass is turning out to be.

For a reward, I decided to try a jelly bean from the package of Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor Beans I bought yesterday.

I ask you, is it fair that it was EARTHWORM-flavored?


  1. Wow, being someone who prefers to buy jelly bellies in bulk b/c I can pick the specific few flavors I truly enjoy, I can't even IMAGINE what earthworm flavor would be... *shudder* You are so brave! I still get that watery, gonna puke sensation just thinking about popcorn flavored beans.


  2. Yeah, I hear you on the popcorn-flavored ones. There's something so *wrong* about those. They're in the Bertie Bott's kind -- presumably as an icky flavor? O:-)

    I couldn't have imagined earthworm either, but after eating it, I will say that if I ever have the misfortune of eating a sugared earthworm, I bet it will taste like this...
