Thursday, August 11, 2005

Free the Kutztown 13! (Updated: And Demand Justice for Linda Loaiza)

From Number 2 Pencil:

13 students are being charged with felonies for bypassing security on school-issued laptops.

Now, in some cases, "bypassing security" meant typing in the administrative password that was taped to the laptop.

More information is available at the students' own site,

Update: The case of the Kutztown 13 is important. But if you only click on one link from this post, go demand justice for Linda Loaiza, a Venezulan woman who was brutally tortured for four months by a man previously arrested similar crimes. She was 18 years old at the time. She will never recover from her injuries -- some of the permanent effects include cataracts and the inability to bear children. The Venezualan justice system is obstructing her case by every possible means, including plain old stalling (59 judges refused to hear the case) and attempting to reduce her abuser's sentence by accusing Loaiza of being a prostitute. Because torturing prostitutes is OK?

Be forewarned that "Linda's Story," linked from the page above, contains graphic details and a photo of a badly injured woman. You may wish not to read it. But please do go look at the page I've linked. The (non-graphic) photo in the header shows incredible pain and strength in Loaiza's face -- it's unmistakable even if you don't know the whole story.

Pinko Feminist Hellcat's take on the case (WARNING: graphic details, though no photos)

1 comment:

  1. Gosh. Imagine what would have happened to me in an earlier age. All those school administrator accounts we hacked ...
