Tuesday, August 2, 2005


There are a lot of people out there, doing a lot of different things.

There are Mona and Sergei who blog about their sex life, but not only about their sex life, since they have a 10-years-already marriage and two kids and work and life and everything to talk about.

And there are Bitch, Ph.D. and Jo(e) (for example) who are academics and mothers and have incredibly rich lives and interesting thoughts completely aside from their jobs.

And there are Sarah Poppins and Alaska and Chris and Scooby who give me an idea of what it's like to be a homeschooling parent, even though I've never been a homeschooler or a parent myself.

And there are Dy and Heather (Dooce) who tell me what it's like to be cranky and funny and smart and enjoy your offspring even at moments when the world. totally. sucks.

And there are Julie and the Feminist Mormon Housewives who remind me that it's possible to live a more-or-less normal life, and at the same time to spend a lot of time thinking about Deep Things and about God and about making a life among the people you love and the people you don't particularly want to love today.

And there are my baby cousins who ask me if I'm "almost a mommy" and make me smile and laugh, and my parents who are still sometimes alien beings to me, but make me smile and laugh, and Boyfriend who frustrates me, but often because he's right, and makes me smile and laugh, and...

The people in that last paragraph are fantastic, and I think I'd be pretty happy if they were the only kinds of people I knew. I would have read about some of the others in books. But I'm grateful for whatever it is -- the internet? the web? just blogs? -- that makes it so easy for me to see that there are real people doing all these things, and so it's that much more possible for me to do them too.

I want to be like all these people when I grow up (well, maybe I don't want to blog about my sex life, because I'm happy being a prude), and I also want to be like all the other people who would be on this list if I weren't making myself blog at top speed, preparatory to sending myself to bed...


  1. Thank you kindly, ma'am! :-)

    Excellent description of why the blog world is so fascinating. Not only does it give us a look at how others live but it gives us a whole buncha ideas and ... most importantly ... friends.

  2. What a great post! You've captured one of the things I like most about blogging.

  3. That was very thoughtful, thank you. And there's nothing wrong with being reserved about one's sex life - we just got bored of only talking about it with each other.

  4. :-) The people in that last paragraph are what give all of us the fodder for our blogging. It's a lot of fun to see how people process it differently, isn't it? I don't even care to imagine what my life would be like without the quirky children and creative girlfriends, wonderful snarky Zorak and all the rest of the crew from Oz (or Raising Arizona... depending on the day...)

    This was a well-written post. I hope you enjoy your visit with your wonderful loved ones!

