Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The world, she is a strange little place.

  • Last night was my first riding lesson ever in hot weather. Actually, I think it was my first riding lesson ever without a warm coat and cold toes. And when I came home, after a 40-minute drive from the stables, I was still soaked to the skin with horse sweat.
  • My office has a gated entry, and the people who let me in have lately been calling me "Mrs. Lastnamehere." I'm not angry about this or anything, but I'm bemused. And tempted to get married, just to see if they switch to "Miss" then.
  • I seem to be coming across (or reading the blogs of the parents of) more and more children with diet-paralyzing allergy combinations like "milk, wheat, rice, and soy." Are smorgasbord allergies like these getting more common, or am I just noticing more? How could parents possibly have dealt with this sort of thing in the 13th century (if it happened then), or even in the 1950s? Are allergies like this a consequence, in some way, of our modern lifestyle? And if so, is it that today's environment somehow causes the allergies themselves, or is it just that we know how to take care of babies and children who have them?

I need to get more sleep.

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