Sunday, September 18, 2005


Hang on -- wait -- what?

Penni at martha, martha tagged me to fill out Getting to Know Me by fructus ventris. (Is this some kind of mixer, to introduce me to new blogs (from the others who were tagged)? Because, if so, hooray!)

5 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Publish something (do math papers count?)
2. Travel: visit every continent at least once (yes, Antarctica too!) and go all over Europe and go on a pilgrimage if I can
3. Become a polyglot
4. Figure out what I really want from life
5. Raise a family
6. Become a better teacher
7. Get my Ph.D.

5 things I can do:
1. Read fast
2. Write fast and well
3. Understand French as spoken by a toddler
4. Get my master's degree in applied math (don't have it yet, but it's within reaching distance)
5. Play the piano

5 things I cannot do:
1. Run fast or far
2. Do a chin-up
3. Understand French as spoken by an adult
4. Work while listening to music
5. Control my moods nearly as well as I'd like to

5 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Patience
2. Thoughtfulness
3. Beautiful hands and forearms
4. Beautiful eyes and smiles
5. Intelligence

5 things I say most often:
1. "Dude!" (It was an inside joke in college... now it's just a bad habit.)
2. " ... like, an order of magnitude more ..."
3. " ... n times, where n is large ... "
4. "Bad computer!"
5. "I love you."

5 celebrity crushes: (do I have to do this, too? I may never hear the end of it...)
1. Johnny Depp. Can't pass judgement on that Chocolate Factory thing, as I haven't seen it, but Pirates of the Caribbean? Hmmm... Chocolat? Mmmm....
2. Orlando Bloom. No, seriously. What??
I don't really do celebrity crushes, though. If I'm going to have a crush on someone I'll never meet, might as well be a fictional character with a personality instead of a pretty face...
3. Henry (and Clare, for that matter) in Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife
4. Adam Eddington in Madeleine L'Engle's Vicky Austin books
5. Hugh of Harrowfield in Juliet Marillier's Daughter of the Forest

5 people I want to do this:
Chris Never mind, he did it already.


  1. these were great!

    i, too, enjoy a good forearm and cannot do a chin-up.

    who knew??

    (i find you refreshing and thought i'd drag you into the mix - hope you didn't mind :)


  2. I was very good and did it. You can be surprised.

  3. m2 -- I don't mind at all! In fact, I'm terribly flattered. :)

    Amira -- I'm only surprised that you had time between posting about Kyrgyzstan! Keep posting about Kyrgyzstan! It's fascinating!

    (Oh, sure. My fingers will type "Kyrgyzstan" correctly three times, but not "fascinating" or "type"...)

  4. Ohhh! You tagged me! How sweet. I've been fending off a nervous breakdown on "month 2" of trying to buy a stoopid house nobody else really wants anyway... but I did this, um, last week? I think so. I'm so bad lately about remembering what I've done...

    LOVED your answers. Inside jokes do turn into bad habits so very easily. We have several leftovers that we're now having to purge from our vocabularies b/c the kids can ask too many questions. eek.

