Friday, July 29, 2005

OK, maybe I should take up running...

writingandliving on life after [starting] running:

I was contemplating these things last night. What gives? Why the new and improved attitude? What's different about me?

"Maybe," I thought, "it's the running." I decided to ask Theodore:

Me: Honey? Do I seem different to you since I've started running?

Theodore: Oh, yeah. I've noticed a big difference. You're more cheerful, you have more energy, your moods are better, you're happier, more patient...

While I'm pleased that the running seems to have had positive results, it would have been nice if he could have at least PRETENDED to have to think about it.


Sarah on life after [starting] running:

Oh, and another thing: teach yourself to do something difficult. Something you believe is nearly impossible like, say, running. Because when you do it you'll realise that you're so damn amazing you can do anything. Even walk away from the computer. You'll even have the energy to do it.

Maybe I should get in on this... But, for heaven's sake, do you people have to be good examples in [almost] August?


  1. I'm in denial and am convinced it's part of their new programming. They want everyone to suck this hot, humid air into their lungs and bash their shins onto hard pavement and enjoy life just as much as they are at mile ten of a three hundred mile sprint...

    Or at least, that's what I'm going to keep telling myself until it cools down. :-)


  2. LOL...

    Believe me, I'm eating A LOT of crow, because I just COULDN'T believe all my crazy friends actually went out running voluntarily!

    And, for what it's worth, I started running in April, on my treadmill, in the air conditioning.
