Tuesday, May 3, 2005

(giggle) again

I found Paper Napkin via Laura. Here's a sample, from an entry titled In Which I am Pee Em Essy:

There is something wrong with me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but an educated guess is that I suck in every conceivable way. Yeah, I think that about covers it. Also, I lack all the neccesary skills of a functioning adult.

I definitely admire the ability to be (at least a little) tongue-in-cheek chipper when one is in a foul mood.

EDIT: No, seriously, she's being funny! See:

What is it about Americans that puts the atic in fan? Isn’t it enough just to like the Lord Of The Rings trilogy without buying t-shirts, hats, and thongs printed with “I heart Smeagol,” “I brake for Smeagol,” or “Smeagol is my homeboy”? What's left? Arwen emergency medical bracelets? Yes! When you go into anaphylactic shock your EMT will know you're a True Fan, as he stabs you with the Sword Of Narsil EpiPen. Oi vey. And could I have any more rhetorical questions in this post? Do I know from rhetorical?

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