Friday, October 7, 2005

Great Blogroll Purge

A blogroll, a blogroll, burn it!

All right, that's it. Dy and her family have REALLY BIG NEWS, and I didn't find out about it until today because my stupid Blogrolling update notifier didn't notify me.

This might not be Blogrolling's fault -- it's entirely possible that I just didn't look at my blogroll during my update-notify time window -- but the fact remains that this tool is not working for me.

Furthermore, I'm spending WAY too much of every day looking at blogs, and WAY too little living intentionally and dealing with my (inevitable) woeful ignorance.

It's getting to be a problem.

I'm not taking a blogging fast or an internet fast or a blog-reading fast, though; I'd hate to cause pain to any of my fellow addicts. :)

Instead, I'm making a Great Purge of my blogroll. Sort of. I mean, I have vast affection for every one of you on the blogroll (and a great many who aren't), but it's just too much temptation, having all those titles there waiting to be clicked. On the other hand, I still believe in the Mystical Power of Linking Good Blogs. So the whole blogroll is still there -- but it's further down, and in a smaller font. There's a Special Abbreviated Blogroll at the top.

I don't want to step on any toes, so listen up, this is important... The blogs that are in the super-secret tiny blogroll are blogs I love just as much as all the others. But, for any number of reasons, it's not the best use of my time to check them compulsively. Some don't update daily. Some, I've found, I enjoy more when I can read a whole glut of recent entries all at once (as I've mentioned before, I like to treat some blogs a little more like novels). And so on.


  1. I'm flattered to make the Special Abbreviated Blogroll, but perhaps what you need is some sort of feed-reader that lets you know when blogs have updated? Blogrolling isn't very accurate on that score.

  2. PS, that's a great idea in principle. (I can't believe I didn't think of it last night!)

    I'm having a lot of trouble getting feedreaders to find feeds on the blogs I read, though -- for example, I can't get a feed for (even though I can *easily* find the feed by hand), or for any Upsaid journal.


  3. Bloglines seems to do a fairly decent job. They had some problems a couple of months ago but since have updated their servers and seem to be pretty reliable.

  4. I have been tempted to sign up for something that will notify me when my favorite blogs update - lmk when you find something you like! (I'm such a sheep when it comes to technology. I made a lousy copier salesman. LOL)

    Thanks for sharing in our big news. It's been a lot of fun so far, and the house is starting to smell almost-inhabited, which is a huge improvement already! yay!

    I hope you'll share your experiences as you Live Intentionally. It's definitely not something I have the market cornered on, kwim? And I learn a lot from how others synthesize the process. :-) (That's my Pretty Please face.)


  5. i am thrilled i am still on *the roll* but yes, i agree with julie d: bloglines. it's the only way i could keep up and the more you do it, the simpler it becomes and suddenly, you are delegating who's who: Christians, artists, culinary afficionados, et cetera.

    i have about 75 on my bloglines and i have a favorites where i put the "really cool blogs not yet blogline/roll worthy" so i can make sure i really want to link to them. sometimes, folks just turn out a little to the left of normal and it's better to find out before you give them too much linky love :)
