Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Johari Window

Ooh, I want to be a lemming too!

Hat tip to Phantom; I've created a Johari Window. Go check it out, and help me be omphalo-contemplative!

Wednesday, February 8, 2006


Amira asked:

Did I know you're studying Arabic? Fusha or colloquial?

I'm just starting my second semester of Arabic. Fusha, but I had to use Google to check my guess about what "fusha" meant. :) I'm surprised I haven't come across that word before. Thanks for teaching me!

It probably hasn't come up on the blog before that I'm studying Arabic. I like learning new languages, and I figured that I'm much more likely to actually learn something about a difficult language like Arabic if I study it in class while I'm at the university. I'm extra-lucky, because this university has flat-rate tuition, so studying Arabic doesn't cost me any extra!

I'm just about to head off to class right now, as it happens. When I get back (or when I remember!) I'll write a quick post about what we're studying...

UPDATE: I keep trying to update this post with a list of what we're studying, and my computer keeps crashing. I'm putting this whole endeavor in time-out for a while, so I don't have to take a hammer to the laptop. :)

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Getting better

Friday was, in some ways, a terrible day. I woke up in a bad mood, and since I had almost nothing planned, I never really reached "escape velocity" to get back into a decent frame of mind. So, on Friday night, I decided that I would make a Really Detailed Plan for Saturday. I made a list of things I wanted to get done, and about how long I thought they'd take -- everything from "work on homework" to "switch laundry" to "get up and dressed" -- and I assigned everything a time of day, and every time of day had something for me to be doing. I got up at 7, and only planned up until 4 PM (to allow flexibility and re-planning), so I got somewhat less done in the evening, but I'm amazed at everything I did do:

I did FIVE loads of laundry. (I live alone, so I'm amazed I could even accumulate that much laundry and still have clean clothes and towels...)
I rewrote my Arabic writing exercise, listened to the audio lesson, and did the comprehension questions.
I figured out all but 2.5 of my homework problems (I didn't write any up nicely, though).
I superglued the broken piece of my alarm clock back together.
I mended a hole in my blue shirt.
I cleaned off my desk(s) and put away one box of stuff.
I took out the kitchen and bathroom trash and cleaned the counters in those rooms.
I wrote & sent my rent and IRA checks.
I went grocery shopping.
I sent some planning e-mails and some e-mails to my boyfriend (these intersect).
I finished prepping a birthday present.
I knitted some.
I practiced piano for 40 minutes.
I baked cookie bars! Yum!
I re-budgeted my budget because I figured out I made an error in my riding lesson costs. :(

I also read a lot of the internet, but I mostly did that while I was doing other things, like cleaning or folding laundry.

I made a plan again today, but I didn't stick to it AT ALL. I think that's because it included too much homework time -- I was a little burned out from yesterday, and I really missed the internet-time, which doesn't mesh as well with doing math! So today was nothing like yesterday's whirlwind, but I did still get a fair amount done.

I'm hoping this plan keeps working on school days; in any event, it will at least be a good strategy for the occasional Power Day when I need to catch up on things.

On a somewhat related note, I spent a lot of my internet time this weekend looking at Steve Pavlina's personal development writing. It's definitely inspiring. I can't decide if it's the most life-outlook-changing thing I've read in a while, or just really good "productivity porn*"...

*don't worry, this link leads to a definition, not something obscene...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

International De-Lurking Week

Oh dear, I've become a lurker on my own blog.

Fellow lurkers, unite! Leave a comment on this thread for International De-Lurking Week!

(thanks, Julie!)