Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Johari Window

Ooh, I want to be a lemming too!

Hat tip to Phantom; I've created a Johari Window. Go check it out, and help me be omphalo-contemplative!

Wednesday, February 8, 2006


Amira asked:

Did I know you're studying Arabic? Fusha or colloquial?

I'm just starting my second semester of Arabic. Fusha, but I had to use Google to check my guess about what "fusha" meant. :) I'm surprised I haven't come across that word before. Thanks for teaching me!

It probably hasn't come up on the blog before that I'm studying Arabic. I like learning new languages, and I figured that I'm much more likely to actually learn something about a difficult language like Arabic if I study it in class while I'm at the university. I'm extra-lucky, because this university has flat-rate tuition, so studying Arabic doesn't cost me any extra!

I'm just about to head off to class right now, as it happens. When I get back (or when I remember!) I'll write a quick post about what we're studying...

UPDATE: I keep trying to update this post with a list of what we're studying, and my computer keeps crashing. I'm putting this whole endeavor in time-out for a while, so I don't have to take a hammer to the laptop. :)

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Getting better

Friday was, in some ways, a terrible day. I woke up in a bad mood, and since I had almost nothing planned, I never really reached "escape velocity" to get back into a decent frame of mind. So, on Friday night, I decided that I would make a Really Detailed Plan for Saturday. I made a list of things I wanted to get done, and about how long I thought they'd take -- everything from "work on homework" to "switch laundry" to "get up and dressed" -- and I assigned everything a time of day, and every time of day had something for me to be doing. I got up at 7, and only planned up until 4 PM (to allow flexibility and re-planning), so I got somewhat less done in the evening, but I'm amazed at everything I did do:

I did FIVE loads of laundry. (I live alone, so I'm amazed I could even accumulate that much laundry and still have clean clothes and towels...)
I rewrote my Arabic writing exercise, listened to the audio lesson, and did the comprehension questions.
I figured out all but 2.5 of my homework problems (I didn't write any up nicely, though).
I superglued the broken piece of my alarm clock back together.
I mended a hole in my blue shirt.
I cleaned off my desk(s) and put away one box of stuff.
I took out the kitchen and bathroom trash and cleaned the counters in those rooms.
I wrote & sent my rent and IRA checks.
I went grocery shopping.
I sent some planning e-mails and some e-mails to my boyfriend (these intersect).
I finished prepping a birthday present.
I knitted some.
I practiced piano for 40 minutes.
I baked cookie bars! Yum!
I re-budgeted my budget because I figured out I made an error in my riding lesson costs. :(

I also read a lot of the internet, but I mostly did that while I was doing other things, like cleaning or folding laundry.

I made a plan again today, but I didn't stick to it AT ALL. I think that's because it included too much homework time -- I was a little burned out from yesterday, and I really missed the internet-time, which doesn't mesh as well with doing math! So today was nothing like yesterday's whirlwind, but I did still get a fair amount done.

I'm hoping this plan keeps working on school days; in any event, it will at least be a good strategy for the occasional Power Day when I need to catch up on things.

On a somewhat related note, I spent a lot of my internet time this weekend looking at Steve Pavlina's personal development writing. It's definitely inspiring. I can't decide if it's the most life-outlook-changing thing I've read in a while, or just really good "productivity porn*"...

*don't worry, this link leads to a definition, not something obscene...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

International De-Lurking Week

Oh dear, I've become a lurker on my own blog.

Fellow lurkers, unite! Leave a comment on this thread for International De-Lurking Week!

(thanks, Julie!)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

On the road again

This blog has been suffering terribly since I started writing in my actual paper journal again... Blame it on graduate school!

I'm all packed to go home again, although the appointed day and hour have yet to arrive. My apartment is an unredeemable mess -- well, probably a redeemable one, but not in the time I have before I leave. January will be a very housework-y month.

Boyfriend is out Christmas shopping. Soon he'll return, and we will head off to a fancy dinner and a Christmas concert in the city. Tomorrow morning, we'll have "Christmas morning" at his place, and he'll drop me off at the airport many hours early, to give him a chance to get home to the mountains before too late at night.

I can't believe it's only four days to Christmas. Will the years keep on getting shorter and shorter the older I get?

Merry almost-Christmas, everybody!